Boxing Ontario is looking for qualified and enthusiastic individuals to become new facilitators for the Instruction Beginners (Level 1) and Competition Introduction (Level 2) coaching courses.

Anyone interested in applying for this position must meet the following requirements:


  1. Minimum age of 25
  2. Must be Competition-development ‘in training’ NCCP; or a coach who has completed at least six (6) NCCP Competition Development multisport modules; or a coach who has completed at least four (4) NCCP Competition Development multisport modules and Boxing Canada’s Performance Analysis Workshop.
  3. Motivator and communicator
  4. Willingness and time to facilitate
  5. Good administrative skills
  6. Understanding of NCCP model
  7. Teaching experience

Requirements for Learning Facilitator:

  1. Must have passed the online “Make Ethical Decisions” evaluation
  2. Must attend and complete all Learning Facilitator training course requirements
  3. Minimum of 5 years coaching experience in a boxing gym
  4. A member in good standing with Boxing Ontario (PSO) and Boxing Canada

If you are interested in becoming a facilitator and helping to grow the sport of boxing even more, please complete and submit this form by Tuesday, March 5, 2024 by 5pm.

Boxing Ontario Learning Facilitators Application Form

"*" indicates required fields

Applicant Information

Coach's Name*
If you don’t know your license number, please contact the office at [email protected]
Have you completed the Safe Sport and Respect in Sport online training modules?*
Do you have an up-to-date police background check? (within 3 years)*
Provide a summary of your experience coaching in the sport of Boxing and highlight any particular skills, attributes, or education you have that would suit the role of a Learning Facilitator.
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 50 MB.