UPDATE: The deadline for nominations has now passed. Thank you to all those who applied! More information introducing the candidates will be available soon for all members to review.

Boxing Ontario is currently seeking energetic, passionate and enthusiastic individuals to serve on their Board of Directors, who are able to dedicate their time and expertise to help the advancement of boxing in Ontario. 

The Boxing Ontario Board of Directors is comprised of five (5) Directors including a President, Vice-President, and three (3) Independent Directors elected by the Voting Members. 

The Nominations Committee is seeking qualified candidates who are able to contribute to Boxing Ontario and reflect the values of inclusiveness, respect, integrity, high ethical standards, community building, with a focus on what is best for the athletes.

The Nominations Committee especially welcomes nominations from those who can strengthen Boxing Ontario’s representation in the following areas of skills and expertise: 

  • Fund Development (marketing, donations, fundraising, grants)
  • Legal Knowledge
  • Government Relations
  • Policy Development
  • Governance & Organizational Management

Boxing Ontario is actively committed to equity and the principles of Diversity and Inclusion and invites applications from all qualified candidates. Women, men, Indigenous peoples, members of historically under-served communities, people with varying abilities, and LGBTQ2S+ peoples are encouraged to apply and may voluntarily self-identify as a member of a designated community as part of their application.

Available Positions

PositionNumber of VacanciesLength of Term
Director32 years

Under Article 4 of Boxing Ontario By-Law Section 4.2 please note:

4.2 Eligibility 

To be eligible for election as a Director, an individual must:

  1. Be eighteen (18) years of age or older; – 
  2. Not have been found under the Substitute Decisions Act, 1992 or under the Mental Health Act to be incapable of managing property;
  3. Have the power under law to contract;
  4. Have not been declared incapable by a court in Canada or in another country; and 
  5. Not have the status of bankrupt.

4.4 Nomination

Any nomination of an individual for election as a director will:

  1. Include the written consent of the nominee by signed or electronic signature.
  2. Comply with the procedures established by the Nominations Committee; and
  3. Be submitted to the registered office of the Corporation twenty (20) days prior to the Annual Meeting.
    This timeline may be extended by Ordinary Resolution of the Board.

How to Submit Your Application:

Prospective candidates are required to submit the following information to the Nominations Chair:

  • A copy of your CV, highlighting your professional and volunteer work experience. 
  • A completed copy of the nomination form, outlining relevant skills and expertise that would contribute to the effective leadership and governance of Boxing Ontario
  • Each nomination must be supported by one (1) endorser, who is either a Boxing Ontario member, stakeholder or prominent member of the candidate’s community. 
  • A Letter of Support from at least one of your endorsers.

Deadline: Thursday, September 19, 2024 by 5:00 pm Eastern

Additional Information

Boxing Ontario’s elections will take place at the Annual General Meeting (virtual) on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 at 8:30 pm Eastern.

Additional information about By-Laws and processes for the election can be found on boxingontario.com

Prior to completing the application form candidates are also encouraged to review Boxing Ontario’s 2020-2024 strategic plan which serves to provide an overview of Boxing Ontario’s values and framework to achieve our organizational goals 

If you have any questions about the Nominations process, please contact the Boxing Ontario Office.